Lightweight Decorative Panels for Lifts


Beautifully designed, versatile and available in diverse sizes and virtually unlimited designs, Lightweight Decorative Panels for Lifts transform your lift interiors into truly luxurious environments.


Decorative Panels for Lifts


Imagine the ceiling of your lift glittering like a starry sky with flecks of silver or golden encased in resin or transforming it into a haven of calm natural beauty with walls clad in bay grass, leaves or flowers encapsulated in glass. Imagine bringing a stylish touch of elegance to your lift interior with classy glass-encased wood veneers or turning it into an “underwater dream world” with seashells and starfish captured in resin…


Whatever your vision interior lift design, we have decorative panels to turn your vision into stunningly beautiful reality.


Explore our Mystique and Intrigue Collections for design inspiration.


Lightweight Decorative Panels


Containing at least 40 per cent of cycled materials, our bespoke 0.05”/1.27 mm gauge decorative panels are Class A fire rated, inhibit microbial growth and come complete with trims in a wide range of beautiful colours and opaque back panels.


Quick and easy to install, these versatile, artfully designed panels can be created in any desired shape and size are suitable for ceilings, walls and partitions, doors and even furniture -making them the ideal choice not only for transforming your lifts into beautiful spaces but your entire working/living environment.


Perfect for healthcare, hospitality and retail; education, residential, government and corporate applications, our lightweight decorative panels will bring your interior design dreams to breathtakingly beautiful life.


Boasting a global installation portfolio and over 15 years’ experience, we can not only provide all necessary fixing hardware but also gorgeous lighting options and, to ensure your interior/lift design project is completed to marvellous perfection, installation.


More Information


To learn more and/or discuss your design ideas with a member of our helpful team, call us: 0203 292 0616; get in touch online or drop us a line via email: today.